Russia - No IP Applications

DPMA - Russia

As part of the 14th sanctions package in response to Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine, the DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office) is no longer accepting new applications from Russian nationals, individuals residing in Russia, or legal entities, organizations, or institutions established in Russia.

Therefore, every application for the registration of trademarks, patents, designs, utility models, protected designations of origin, and geographical indications must be accompanied by an additional declaration regarding Russian nationality. This applies to each individual in the case of joint applicants.

Quelle: Hinweis des DPMA vom 19.07.2024, online, last accessed on 10/04/2024., zuletzt aufgerufen am 04.10.2024.

EPO – Russia

The European Patent Office (EPO) is also suspending procedures requested by Russian patent holders for the registration of unitary effect in light of the new EU sanctions against Russia.

Source: EPO News dated 07/10/2024, available online at , last accessed on 10/04/2024.

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